
Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass, and the deterioration of bone architecture leading to bone fragility and increased risk of fracture.Bone normally rejuvenates itself through a process of bone absorption and formation called bone remodeling.Osteoporosis occurs when bone breakdown, or absorption, occurs at a rate greater than bone formation.

Osteoporosis has been called "the silent thief" because bone loss often causes no symptoms.People may not know that they have osteoporosis until their bones become so weak that a sudden strain, bump, or fall causes a bone fracture.An X Ray may reveal a seriously deteriorated vertebra.Once a vertebral fracture has occurred, symptoms can include severe back pain, loss of height, and spinal deformity.
The specific causes of osteoporosis are not known.However, risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing osteoporosis have been identified.A few of the risk factors are:
✅Ethnicity-Caucasian and Asian
✅Family history
✅Petite, small frame
✅Eating disorders
✅Excessive use of alcohol
✅Vitamin D deficiency
✅Thyroid disease
✅Chronic steroid use

Bone density testing (DEXA Scan) is a quantitative estimation of Bone mass and is a readily available test to demonstrate whether Bones are Osteoporotic (Low Bone mass) or not.The test is recommended for all women over 65 years old.In addition, women with risk factors other than menopause, postmenopausal women with a history of a fracture are also advised to undergo the test.

It is a noninvasive test wherein an x-ray can show bone loss in the spine and hip area.The test takes about 10-20 minutes.

Calcium should be taken after meals in divided doses of no more than 500mg (Elemental Calcium).Calcium should preferably be be taken with vitamin D 400-800 IU.The table below lists the recommended dose based on age.

There are many excellent sources of calcium namely milk and milk products like yoghurt and cheese, eggs,ragi, fish meat, almonds, spinach and fenugreek leaves, banana etc

There are many excellent sources of calcium namely milk and milk products like yoghurt and cheese, eggs,ragi, fish meat, almonds, spinach and fenugreek leaves, banana etc

Exercise stimulates the bone remodeling cycle.Weight bearing exercises such as weight training, running, walking, biking and cross country machines will provide both aerobic and weight bearing exercise.Consult your physician before beginning an exercise program.

Exercise stimulates the bone remodeling cycle.Weight bearing exercises such as weight training, running, walking, biking and cross country machines will provide both aerobic and weight bearing exercise.Consult your physician before beginning an exercise program.

There are several medical treatments for osteoporosis.Estrogen therapy has been used to treat osteoporosis especially in post menopausal females for many years.Newer non hormonal treatment options are now available; these are the bisphosphonates like alendronate and risedronate, raloxifene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), calcitonin and newer bone forming molecules like Teriparatide.Always Talk to your Orthopaedic Surgeon/Health Care Provider to determine the best treatment option for you.